Bodybuilding Products

Rockstar Energy Drink: Children’s Health Energy Drink Made For A Rockstar

By Mark DeRosa

Are you concerned with your child’s falling health, drastic weight loss, loss of appetite, lack of concentration, tantrums and many such issues, which are stealing your peace of mind? Then Rockstar Energy Drink is exactly the ‘magic potion’ you are looking for. It is an energy drink created by Russell Weiner in 2001, a long time botanist and herbalist, and is currently available in six different varieties.

Nurture your kids ability and potential with these fully refreshing, very lightly carbonated beverages and let them “Party Like a Rock Star”. Per can of Rockstar Energy Drinks contain many B and C vitamins, 1892 mg of taurine, 400 mg of guarana, 50 mg of inositol, 50 mg of carnitine, 50 mg of eleutherococcus senticosus, 40 mg of milk thistle, and 30mg of Ginkgo.

Rockstar Energy Drinks were famous for was its high levels of Guarana. But in 2007, the manufacturer reduced the percentage of Guarana and launched a range of Diet versions, which are targeted toward larger segment of consumers. Primarily, the Rockstar Energy Drink contained 70% fruit juice, which has now been reduced to 50% and the primary carbohydrate sweetener, glucose, has been substituted by sucrose so that it is not going to harm your child at all. Now diabetic patients can also enjoy the refreshing sweet taste of Rockstar Energy Drinks without worrying for their calorie counts.


The new products come with modified amount of ginkgo biloba per serving. The formulation now contains 150mg of ginkgo instead of the previous 15 mg and it has also substituted the corn syrup, which was high on fructose. This has enhanced the quality of the drinks without affecting the original refreshing taste.

Visit a relevant internet site and you will find loads of praises for the Rockstar Energy Drinks which are endorsed by authentic nutrition experts. The energy drink, according to them is a perfect balance of energy source and refreshing taste. You will probably find your child gulping the drinks instead of you forcing her to take a sip

You can get these Rockstar Energy Drinks at an amazingly low price. It costs only $2.00 per can, which means the cost per ounce is as low as $0.13 and not going to pinch your purse anyways.

Rockstar Energy Drink is a perfect health drink and it contains no ingredients that are going to affect your child’s health. It has got nutrients and a low percentage of sugar, which is always preferred over a cola. The high sugar concentration of a cola is extremely detrimental for your kid’s dental hygiene. Rockstar Energy Drink will surely make your child bouncing with energy, increase her level of concentration and determination and quite obviously, it will make you sleep in peace!

The wide varieties of the drinks, which are available in six different tangy flavors, are sure to please them all. Whether your kid is a ‘chocolate boy’ or a little princess Rockstar Energy Drinks have flavors for all. The Rockstar energy drinks come with light flavors, for example, blueberries, a hint of sweetener and medicinal aftertaste. It tastes more like a juice than an energy drink. The low calorie count is again a bonus.

As the energy drinks very rightly claims to be a mix of ‘70% Juice and 100% Energy’, it actually helps your kid to play, run, bounce, study, and enjoy her life with full of energy and vigor. It is the ‘Bigger, better, faster, stronger’ energy drink that your son or daughter will love to have. Amazingly tasty Rockstar Energy Drinks come with all natural mango, orange, and passion fruit juices and are packed with the potent energy blend. The products are juiced and canned scientifically with minimum physical contact and are specifically formulated for young girls and boys who lead active and exhausting lifestyles. RockStar energy drink is the great choice to get a boost while living your RockStar life.

About the Author: To find out about all of the different kinds of rock star energy drinks visit


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