Parapsychic Science Schools}

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Parapsychic Science Schools
Michael Bustamante
If you are interested in the spiritual world, and would like to study the sciences beyond physical laws of the universe, you might be interested in parapsychic science schools. The classes taught at schools for parapsychic science can include a wide variety of fascinating subjects, including clairvoyance, psychokinesis, hypnosis, extra sensory perception (ESP), telepathy, and many others.
Those who are involved with parapsychic science schools believe that there is a scientific domain that defies explanation by the known laws of physics or biology. Classes can cover a diverse range of topics, such as angels, astrology, spiritual development, ethical and legal issues in holistic care, regression therapy, sound therapy, chakra therapy, spiritual healing, divination, theology, near death experiences, astral projection, psychic healing, channeling, and vibrational healing, just to name a few. You may even be able to take a business management course in parapsychic schools to help you prepare for a career in parapsychology.While some parapsychic science training concentrates strictly on metaphysical, paranormal and parapsychic studies, there are also traditional colleges and universities offering degrees in subjects such as psychology or anthropology with a concentration in parapsychology. You will find various certificates, diplomas and degrees offered by parapsychic science schools, such as the Parapsychology Certificate, Diploma of Parapsychology, Bachelor degree in Holistic Studies, Bachelor of Science in Parapsychological Studies, and others.Schools for parapsychic science are in the business of preparing graduates to enter one or more of the various parapsychic occupations, such as spiritual counselor, astrologer, or holistic healer. If you are interested in the parapsychic sciences and looking for instruction in the various fields of the paranormal, you may decide that parapsychic studies should be in your future. Submit a request for information to Parapsychic Science Schools found on our website, and you could soon be entering a new and exciting profession! DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on our website.Copyright 2007 – All rights reserved by Media Positive Communications, Inc.Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.
Training in Parapsychic Science
Parapsychic Science Schools
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