How To Choose An Electric Wheelchair Pediatric Use
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Submitted by: Jed Baguio
It has always been a fact that health is very important to all people and must be given proper care. Everyone is responsible to take good care of their health. Pediatricians are also responsible for the infant s health, and provide them with proper guidance for the achievement of good health.
Often, disability cannot be prevented especially on children. And so they are given care givers but still they need the assistance so that the patient can meet their basic needs in their everyday lives. Pediatricians can even recommend the use of mechanical aiding device to reduce burdens.
To increase the mobility of the children having lower strength and endurance due to some health problems, a pediatric electric wheelchair is required. It provides enough convenience for the improvement of motion. Its variation is rugged. It contains a joystick that is placed on either left or right-hand side helpful for those children unable to walk or can only use one hand. There are also frames being designed to support heavy weight.
It is recommended for children with head injuries.
It is advisable for those who suffer cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.
Can also be recommended for amputated children and is not subjected for artificial limbs.
It is also used as a substitute for crutches or walkers for children
The Pediatric Wheelchair must comply with the physician s specifications. The age and ability of the child also determines the wheelchair s category. The child is given the right to choose what wheelchair he wants to use. Proper orientation about the various features on the category of the wheelchairs must be given to the parents and the child. Before the wheelchair meets a problem, it is advised that they must ask for the maintenance manual and troubleshooting guide. They can also ask help from the pediatric electric wheelchair dealer.
These wheelchairs vary in designs depending on the nature and age of the child. Lifts are designed for either child, junior or growing patient are good for those ages 6 years and above. Children active in sports and wants to move freely are advised to use the lightweight or the sport Pediatric wheelchair.
This wheelchair should be adjustable as the child grows and should fit the child s needs. The frame design must be rigid for changing it to a self propelled chair thus making it easier to push and maneuver the chair.
The designs can be assembled with back set in a folding or non-folding position. The ones folded help in easy transportation. Having an open frame makes it possible to easily integrate the systems of the seats.
The built-in growth adjustments must be incorporated in the steel frame accommodating the growing yeas of the child and can also act as a support. The multiple wheels and some combinations of casters help in rear wheel positions to help the growing arms of the child for self propelling.
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